Sunday, December 27, 2015

Autumn and Winter on our farm, updates soon! :) 2015 was a great year!

Life has been so busy the last few months, we've had a son leave on a church mission to the Philippines, another son graduate as a new US Marine from Parris Island and continue training, and a new granddaughter born! We've added several Angora goats to our farm and after fall shearing months of work went into washing, carding and spinning wool and fiber for Christmas sales! We are heading into the new year, so enjoy some of my favorite pictures and photos of our farm in 2015! :)

My oldest daughter helps with late summer shearing.

These Icelandics hate being sheared so we really have to tie them down!

Sheep milk soap making!

Purse made from handspun Finnsheep wool :)

Our local LDS missionaries started helping to cut firewood for winter in early September, and did some shearing too! A fun experience especially for the ones who've spent some of their mission in Baltimore, what a difference!

Youngest boy helping to shear Carmen, one of my sweet ewe lambs we didn't sell.

Carmens chop job

Laying out soap to cure

My new baby granddaughter with her Daddys boots

In love with his new baby!

Spinning wool, I often wonder how many housewife chores through the last 200 yrs have been done sitting out on this porch. :)

My daughter is studying photography and developed this in a dark room! I love it so much!

Sister missionaries helping with our fall shearing! :)

My shepherd son helping to sell lambs

Hungry piggies!

This chicken is in a hurry, haha

Delilah, my pretty colored angora!

Finnegan my Finn ram trying to get into the house. lol

Frigga peeking in the kitchen window

Worming checklist, Did this ALL summer! Lost 2 lambs to worms this year, it was so wet and warm. :-(

Dagny and the Icies

Pretty Finnsheep lamb. We sold all this year and are excited for a new crop in the spring! Such friendly lambs and very worm resistant!

Caspian our new Icelandic ram- on the small side.

Pretty white Icelandic lam

Felted kitties

I love needlefelting, making sheep is my favorite!

Summer squirrel!

Dad and the boys, first day of school!

Pile of Icelandic wool from ONE sheep. Phew, what a project!

The boys out selling roadside produce! :)

My shepherd sons 11thb-day, of course he had to have a sheep cake!

And got a sheep puppet!

My daughter modeling a handspun hat

Neptune our new Angora Goat buck

Neptune and Cedric, 2 Angora bucks...surprisingly so far they are friends and not stinky.

Starsha my new Angora doe

My son loves goats now, too!

His best buddy Finnegan


Grandbaby at Halloween

Starsha sneaking into the kitchen

October starts firewood gathering season! Soooo much work to keep our old farmhouse warm in winter!

We have prolific chickens this year!

Our house settled down to the left in this little valley. How I LOVE autumn in Virginia!

No place like home!

The sheep hanging out in the driveway, you can see passage creek in the background which runs on our property.


Some folk art paintings up for sale

Crochet and knitted projects handspun from our sheep and goats

Best friends, lol..this chicken loves Finnegan

Delilah after her haircut

My awesome son, saying goodbye to the sheep before leaving home for two years to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of the Philippines.

Neptune gets a little bit frisky

My baby

Icelandic ewe

The barn in autumn

I LOVE the hot air balloons that drift over our property in summer and autumn

Party tree!

Roscoe the pitbull who thinks he is a sheep

Missionary picture

Finally after 3 summers here it was time to tackle painting the roof, kindof a scary job and the 3rd story will be tackled this spring!

My husband and I ran our first half marathon on Thanksgiving! It was awesome! I'm so grateful to have the health to run, it gives me energy to keep up with my farm.

My girlie and I, our getting firewood in the rain

Bigfoot family, seen deep in the Blue Ridge mountains

Starsha napping on the porch

Charlie Brown Christmas tree

Cozy mantle and warm fireplace, makes all the wood splitting worth the effort!!

Thanksgiving dinner, we really have to squeeze for family dinners in our home, but it's cozy.

More balloon watching!

Sheeepies, time for grain!!!

Marine Daddy & baby <3

Dungeon Master Screen painting for my sons Christmas present

There's my hardworking son, saying hello from the Philippines!

Baby mermaid tail from handspun wool

Last woodcutting trip... and then December was mainly in the 50's to 70's, lol.

Baking for Christmas!


Another sons B-day, he's a total D&D nerd. He's awesome!

Gingerbread castle!

More gingersheep, sooo fun

Dad and son doing a goat check

Sheep & Kermie attack!

For our Christmas nativity my son was a shepherd, of course!

Merry Christmas!

Afternoon tea, a new tradition!

Skyping with my second daughter who is a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Arizona

We found DECEMBER dandilions!!

CRAZY warm weather in Virginia this winter. Yes, that is a sprig of Forsythia

Christmas goat kiss!

Christmas in the barn with the sheep & goats

Starsha loves raisin bagels and gingerbread

Cedric is getting pretty handsome!

Butting heads with Felecia

Fanny and Roscoe fighting over dog food

Lining up for hugs and kisses

Fat Fanny, haha, and Carmen

Neptune, love this guy even though he's an annoying love machine

Our little forest

Delilah and Cedric

Boys at the party tree

Maybe by spring we'll get some snow, meanwhile this is all we have! :)

We've been sooo blessed this year. We are hunkering down for the difficult cold months of January and February and looking forward to March and April lambs! We miss our missionaries and our Marine, but are so happy they have a comfortable loving farmhouse to miss and someday come back to. :)
Please support small farmers!
For a visit to our farm or for information on purchasing lambs, please email us at
For yarn, wool, sheepmilk soap, paintings or other local handcrafted products, please visit Smith Building mercantile on facebook! Ordering online is available!

For more information on our farm, please visit