Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February 2016

I am sooo so happy that January is behind us! The Groundhog apparently didn't see his shadow today, so we'll hope for an early spring, putting an odd trust in a little rodent, lol.
January brought us a few feet of snow, and new baby milk goats to our farm! In the long weeks waiting for lambing season, it's fun to have some baby goats to take care of to pass the time. They are soo playful!! They are being bottlefed inside and will hopefully be good milkers next year! :)

I finished up the last of the wool after Christmas, some fun last minute winter hats & scarves from Icelandic wool.

We adopted a horse rescue this month, White Lady of Rohan! :) Lady is part quarterhore & thoroughbred and has the sweetest temperament ever! Everyone can ride her.

Frisky Neptune our Angora buckling... he has been trying to make babies with just about anyone and anything this winter.

A few more handspun items. :)

We had to rescue our chickens who got caught out in the blizzard!

The sheep and goats trying to make it back to the barn in all the snow

Found one sneaky chicken egg stash! Most of thee were frozen solid but still made some delicious crepes!

Hubby and Lady

It takes snow to finally get the girls off pasture and picking through the hay, they are so finicky!

Our kitties and chickens like to hang out together

Delilah looking all regal, just love those curls!!

Bigfoot sighting up in the pasture

Jumping for joy!

Cedric, still has some growing to do

New baby goat kids, Boer/Saanen/Nubian cross


Bottle babies are soooo fun!!


They love sleeping by the fireplace in the kitchen and nibbling on the woodpile

This is a small herd of Angoras staying on the property for a few months, they are so beautiful, I hope over the next few years we can add some great genetics like this to our animals!

Let us out to play!!!

Delilah and chicken photobomb, lol

Even though lambing is still 6 weeks away, I've put everything I will need together in a kit, hoping and praying for a really successful lambing this year!

Please support small farmers!
For a visit to our farm or for information on purchasing lambs, please email us at samsbillthepony@yahoo.com
For yarn, wool, sheepmilk soap, paintings or other local handcrafted products, please email us or visit Smith Building mercantile on facebook! Ordering online is available!