Thursday, March 27, 2014

March is almost over!

Spring, where are you?

The flowers in the house say it's time!



Sir Lambs Alot, napping in the rare sunshine we've had this month!

 Mr. Bojangles wool separated on it's own beautifully! Gorgeous wool! It's too bad, because he's probably going to end up in the freezer, as he's taken to chasing our youngest and butting at him.


Honey, our smallest ewe... she didn't get pregnant last fall but hopefully will this spring. She's grown quite a bit over the winter. If not, hello lamb-chops.


Where's the grain!?  Ya know, I'd really love if one of these Icelandic ewes would go ahead and lamb for me.  Mr Thorin there in the middle with the white beard is next in line to be sheared. I try and do 2 sheep a week so that it doesn't turn into one long shearing marathon.


Our faithful herd-puppy 


 Baby bunnies! Getting their fur...18 in all! 



Dagny thinks she's a sheep...waiting for grain. She eats their food & the sheep eat her dog food. Crazies!


Mr Baxter, finding the first blades of spring grass. 


The ducks in their favorite muddy spot.  


Best lamby-friends.  These two are keepers.


Mr Bingley was not so lucky in his wool separation...he got a chop job. 


Out with the scissors having a good ol' time. Poor Dangny was depressed that we wouldn't let her help with the wool. :-P  Her idea included tearing it out in clumps with her teeth.



Loki has glasses? Cool ram horns we let weather outside over the winter.  


Our awesome teenage daughter sitting on the porch...her 15th birthday! :) Her little brothers muddy footprints across the porch behind her... ah, boys.


Birthday girl with Dad...
The Woodstock Health department is a total joke...we've been trying for nearly 7 months to get a permit to replace the septic system on our house, but they've given us nothing but hassle to the point of a potential law suit...we've considered using that outhouse in the background... ha!


We had the wonderful opportunity to meet the former owner of our home. A former officer in the British Navy who made our house his home for nearly 20 years. It was such a pleasure to have him visit and share stories of renovation and history about the house, we had so much to talk about! He had also given us a very thick binder with over 200 years of information and research that he compiled on both the home and it's many residents over the years. Such a gift & such a treat to have someone to share the love of our home and property with.  <3

These shutters used to hang on the house at some point... I re purposed them into country shelves for our dishes. I don't think this is it's permanent spot because I love the view out my window, but as our old kitchen has no upper cabinets, it's been pretty useful.

 This week I have to wish a happy birthday to my beautiful daughter who is turning 21 tomorrow. She loves our family and our farm, but is away from home serving a mission for our church. I miss her, but am so proud of her! :)  


For more information on our farm, please visit :

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